Wednesday, October 31, 2012

I have been pondering the simple, inexpensive, yet profound medical breakthroughs that have happened in my lifetime.  I so wish that I was knowledgeable of each earlier on.  I could have measurably increased the quality of my life and markedly decreased the number of doctor visits.  I'm not talking about advanced imaging, molecular biology, genetics, epigenetics or revolutionary medicine.  I'm talking about simply doing what we learn along the way like:

Drying of the ear canal; 
Vitamins and dietary supplements, and; 
Yoga, yes yoga. 

Regular flossing was unheard of when I was a kid.  Lifelong benefits are enormous, to include heart health.   I could have avoided so much pain. 

Cleaning / drying of the ear canal after swimming with a simple solution of alcohol and white vinegar would have avoided two surgeries, countless infections, including dangerous pseudomonas, and significant loss of hearing. 

Regular use of sunscreen can almost eliminate skin cancer.  We used to be pleased with a couple of minor sunburns a season as fast-tracking a tan.  How stupid. 

Well informed use of vitamins and dietary supplements is very important.  I was a skeptic for the longest time without any rational basis.  But uninformed use can actually be deadly even if they are sold at Costco!  Most are very expensive scams including pricey health food stores and countless internet sites.  But the information is out there on how to incorporate them cost-effectively into your life, prolonging life itself and the quality of your time extension. 

I have always enjoyed regular exercise in many forms (racquetball, swimming, hiking etc.) but my late in life discovery of yoga was truly eye-opening.  Skipping the chanting, the added strength, stress reduction, flexibility, bone strength, etc etc etc are transformative.  The psychological link between stress and illness is now well founded.   We all need some concrete method of de-stressing to avoid being the victim of a doctor's mandate to reduce stress without knowing how.  Life = stress, you can't stop it coming at you.  Also, having been a life-long practitioner might have resulted in less injury when I fell in 1994.  Additionally, I believe that I would not be suffering from stress aggrevating neuropathy.

All of the above come at little expense except self-discipline.  But the end result for you and those in your charge is priceless. 

So, what simple yet profound medical discoveries have you made along the way?

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